Friday, July 17, 2009

Should You Marry a Firefighter?

In my research I came across this great blog article. I don't think it could be said any better. Whether you are not married yet or have been for a long time, you will find yourself smiling and nodding saying, been there, done that!


Someone found our blog by Googling, “Should I marry a firefighter?” It’s an interesting question, really.
When FireDad and I said our vows, we had already been through the long and involved process of testing and interviewing to be hired by the fire department. We were actually enduring the middle of a hiring freeze as I walked down the aisle toward him on that cold, December day. Prior to all of this, during our dating days (and, really, prior to me), he was a volunteer firefighter (and paid the bills as a Paramedic). I had an inkling of what fire life would be like but… I also had no clue. He was hired by the fire department shortly after our wedding. And during our honeymooning year, I got the baptismal by fire, literally, into the depths of fire life.
And so, I have some advice, of course, having lived this life for five years now.
Don’t marry a firefighter if you are relying on their presence or the stability of their schedule. The pager will go off on Christmas Eve as you are trying to build a bike together. There will be a fully involved structure fire on the morning of your big interview, leaving you scrambling to find child care. They will work on your birthday, their birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and every other holiday imaginable. Not all in the same year (though that list in the previous sentence is true for us this year, sigh) but eventually, all of them. More in some years than in others. On days you have plans to work on the house or get things done, they will be needed at the fire house. On a day that you planned on doing nothing more than relaxing, the sound of fire sirens leaving the station will bring a halt to your attempt at relaxation, nerves ....Read more

Becky Harmata
The Fire Emporium
Toll Free: 866-832-1468
Fax: 250-769-3588

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